Flexible Policy Management for Remote Systems

CrowdStrike Tech Center


As organizations shift to supporting more remote workers, protection policies for laptops and systems that are no longer behind traditional perimeter defenses need to be updated. Can administrators quickly and easily update policies to ensure continuous protection for these remote systems?


Protection Without Complexity is More Important Than Ever

Administrators are inundated with change as work environments shift.They need to rapidly update endpoint protection policies to apply appropriate protections for remote systems. 

System tagging is an efficient way to classify hosts. Multiple hosts with similar protection requirements can then be put into groups, making it easy to apply the appropriate policy to numerous systems. When system status changes, for example from an office location to a remote location, system tags could be used to update policies to reflect an accurate status and appropriate protection requirements. 

Complex policy management and tuning wastes time and introduces potential security gaps. To ensure continuous protection of remote systems, administrators need the ability to easily identify hosts, wherever they reside, and manage protection policies. 


The CrowdStrike Falcon® next-generation endpoint protection platform offers flexible, complete protection without complex configuration and tuning.  Policy creation, assignment and management is easy and streamlined with a centralized user interface.  Administrators configure policy definitions in minutes using toggles and sliders for individual controls ranging from visibility only to full prevention. Hosts are easily tagged and policies are assigned to groups of hosts. When updates are needed, administrators can quickly change policies, dynamically assign hosts to different policies or even reclassify system tags. 


Get immediate time to value, extend your visibility and protect your organization regardless of physical location. Try CrowdStrike’s Falcon platform for free: https://go.crowdstrike.com/try-falcon-prevent.html

Content Provided by Anne Aarness

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Author: Peter Ingebrigtsen

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