Beers with Talos Ep. #62: Fifty shades of shady

Beers with Talos (BWT) Podcast episode No. 62 is now available. Download this episode and subscribe to Beers with Talos:

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Recorded Sept. 13, 2019 

In one of our “rantier” episodes, the BWT crew dives into the ongoing insidiousness that is cryptomining with Watchbog, and then we turn our attention to some idiot that thinks charging people $50 to bypass MFA on their own machines is a good idea, because nothing bad can happen there, right? RIGHT?! Finally, we take a look at some recent breaches and the trend of attempting to downplay the severity of a breach because the data ex-fil wasn’t “vital or important.” Again, what can go wrong with that line of thinking? This is fine. Everything is just fine. Security is solved, we can go home now.

The timeline:

  • 01:15 – Roundtable: BWT is infamous, a flying blunderbuss, Mighty Reds, new phones, opening night
  • 15:00 — Pink fluffy ponies dancing on Monero
  • 29:00 — Duo is your friend…bypassing MFA is not
  • 36:00 — Dangers of denying breach severity
  • 49:15 — Parting shots and closing thoughts

Some other links:


Featuring: Craig Williams (@Security_Craig), Joel Esler (@JoelEsler), Matt Olney (@kpyke) and Nigel Houghton (@EnglishLFC).
Hosted by Mitch Neff (@MitchNeff)

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