Talos Black Hat 2019 flash talk roundup

Talos went wall-to-wall at Hacker Summer Camp, showing up to Black Hat and DEFCON with talks, challenges, advice and education.

Over the course of two days at Black Hat, Cisco Security hosted more than 20 talks at our booth, many featuring Talos researchers and analysts.
In case you couldn’t swing by the booth, we’ve got a quick recap of eight of those “flash talks” to give you a quick rundown of what our researchers wanted to get across. Click on each of these videos to hear each speaker give a quick recap, and stay tuned for a future Beers with Talos episode to hear all of them together.

Nick Biasini

Andrew Blunck

Azim Khodjibaev

Matt Valites

David Liebenberg

Josh Williams

Jamie Filson

Earl Carter 

Unfortunately, we were unable to grab everyone for an interview after their talk. However, we would like to thank these other researchers for presenting at the Cisco Security booth:

  • Bruce Hennigar: “Aging infrastructure — Where evil festers”
  • Andrew Windsor: “Server-side attacks as seen through honeypot data”
  • Jakob Dohrmann: “Efficient anti-spam in a world of shared infrastructure”
  • Vitor Ventura: “Gustuff mobile malware for rent”
  • J.J. Cummings: “Destructive trends”
  • Patrick Mullen: “Writing Snort 3 rules”
  • Brandon Stultz: “Defending against BlueKeep with Cisco Firepower”
  • Geoff Serrao: “Talos open-source software, Python Snort environment”
  • John Levy: “Leveraging Snort to protect networks against Responder”
  • Josh Palmer: “Ransomware — Then and now”

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