Beers with Talos Ep. #57 – It’s a business decision, not rocket science

Beers with Talos (BWT) Podcast Ep. #57 is now available. Download this episode and subscribe to Beers with Talos:

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Recorded July 8, 2019 — Matt skipped this episode podcast in favor of a meeting (for real). The rest of the crew carried on to discuss a few of this week’s hot-button issues, such as municipalities paying (or not paying) the ransom, NASA JPL reporting APT breached their network via a rogue Pi (in true Mr. Robot fashion), and looking at rogue devices in general. Next episode will be our last before Black Hat and DEFCON, so tune in to find out where you can find Talos at those conferences.

The timeline:

  • 01:30 — Roundtable: Craig has a terrible internet plan, just saying.
  • 10:45 — Paying the ransom, yeah or nah? If so, when?
  • 21:00 — NASA JPL finds an APT with their fingers in the Raspberry Pi
  • 40:00 — Can owned and rogue devices be used for hunting?
  • 49:00 — Closing shots and parting thoughts.

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Featuring: Craig Williams (@Security_Craig), Joel Esler (@JoelEsler), and Nigel Houghton (@EnglishLFC).

Hosted by Mitch Neff (@MitchNeff).

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